
This is good with folik, that you can get it over the counter. I am a doctor, dictates in Wałbrzych. I have read many studies on the preventive efficacy of folic acid in pregnant women. Folic doesn't cost much, and it is worth using. The situation with folic acid is similar to the situation with omega-3. Yes omega, and we lack acid in our daily diet.


Orthomol is a group of expensive preparations, containing both micronutrients and vitamins. The producers probably chose a high price, as an incentive. Other competitor products, of which plenty, we will buy much cheaper.
Among the manufacturer's offer, we will find products prepared for various groups of people: there are products for pregnant women, for people who exercise, for men complaining of infertility


Novovit is a dietary supplement for women, who are planning a child, are pregnant, be feeding.
The novovit product line consists of two preparations. Novovit classic it contains iodine and folic acid. It is intended for women planning a child, be in the first trimester of pregnancy. The iodine contained in the composition is noteworthy, deficiencies of which are a problem in some parts of Poland (np. in lower Silesia).

The second preparation is a new duo. It is richer with DHA acids (belong to the omega-3), and vitamins and minerals. Both novovit classic and duo should be used once a day.

If we are not allergic to any of the ingredients of these supplements, to side effects should not touch us. If anything, problems may arise from the digestive system.

folic acid

And folic acid, as always, underrated. Women get him, because pregnancy can come unexpectedly. Ladies get him (I took myself), because it reduces the likelihood of kids having problems with cheese and spirit. Gentlemen, take it, so that the quality of your sperm is better and the percentage of defects in children is reduced. I am not proposing acidum folicum, there are probably other cheaper counterparts, there is no need to overpay. Even if you do not take medications, it is worth eating foods rich in folic acid. This is the best option!

Alkaline powder

One of the keys to achieving full health is maintaining an acid-base balance. Most of us have elevated levels of acidity in our bodies, which has negative consequences (fatigue, daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep at night, more frequent infections, weakening of nails and hair, Constipation), and can be the cause of serious diseases: obesity difficult to treat, hypertension, osteoporosis and others. Few of us manage to maintain the much-desired acid-base balance, because it would require radical and long-term changes in our lives, not only would it be necessary to change the diet, but also reducing the number of stressful situations, and a drastic increase in physical activity.
So-called alkalizing supplements simplify the recovery process. One of them is the Alkaline Powder known in the circles of people interested in health food (Langsteiner). It works, in short, on the one hand to neutralize the acids in the body, on promoting detoxification, and nourishing our body cells, but also thanks to selenium, on improving the activity of the immune system, blood and nervous system.
It shouldn't be surprising, that the alkaline powder is safe and, according to the current knowledge, does not cause side effects. not yet found, that people using it would complain of any side effects.
The alkaline powder can also be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as the elderly.