
Zocor is a drug, which is necessary as a supplement to low-cholesterol diet. The best results in lowering cholesterol levels (both the evil and the good) obtained at the regular poly. The drug works two stages. This means that, that lowers bad cholesterol while cholesterol supports the positive effects of good. Through this behavior is enhanced stabilizing effect of lowering and low cholesterol content.

The first results are visible after a week poly. However, the stabilization is at least 2 weeks of taking. The treatment shows the best results after 4 weeks of regular drug.


Simvasterol is a drug administered in a situation of high cholesterol levels in your blood. It is the drug of the group of medicines with rapidly lowering blood cholesterol. Administered on a regular basis significantly reduces the size of the unit of blood cholesterol.

Rapid-drug administered in states of high cholesterol levels. Along with the drug must be rigorously adhered to a diet low in products with a high content of cholesterol.