

The main treatment against the formation of blood clots is Warfin. Struggling with thrombosis, the drug first reduces the risk of a heart attack, and secondly, it reduces the risk of further negative consequences, in people with a history of myocardial infarction.
The popularity of the drug is closely related to its high efficiency (Drugs similar to him, with the same active substance, they have a strong position since 60 year). Warfin is definitely effective, but unfortunately its effective dose, automatically, it is also a dose that significantly increases the risk of bleeding. If, however, we take a safe dose, unfortunately it is too small to work.
The second problem with Warfin is its interactions with other drugs, but interactions with certain food groups are also problematic, here we have leaf vegetables, for example.


Detromax is a dietary supplement, which according to the information provided by the manufacturer, causes an increase in circulation in the smallest blood vessels of our body. However, it helps to eliminate pain and swelling, e.g. in the legs. Tzw ciężkie nogi to efekt problemów z krążeniem w kończynach dolnych Detromax to właśnie suplement, which is supposed to help and reduce leg pain.

Dobenox Forte

Dobenox Forte is used in the case of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, such as a feeling of heaviness in the legs, edema and varicose veins of the lower extremities, changes in the background of blood stagnation. The drug is also used in the treatment of haemorrhoids.



Lek Xarelto, containing rivaroxaban, is one of the recently introduced prescription medications used to treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE). This medicine is also used to prevent thrombosis in adults with artificial heart or hip joints and in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

The dosage of Xarelta depends on the type and type of treatment being used. For the treatment of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, the recommended dose is 15-20mg once daily, taken orally. For the prevention of thrombosis due to an artificial heart or hip joints, the recommended dose is 10-20mg once daily taken orally. For patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the recommended dose is 10 mg once daily taken orally. The drug should be taken regularly, without sacrificing yourself, to ensure optimal treatment.

Istnieją również potencjalne zamienniki leku Xarelto dostępne w Polsce. For example, the drug Warfarin (containing anticoagulants) it is used to treat DVT and PE. It is also used as antithrombotic prophylaxis in the case of an artificial heart. Lek Pradaxa (containing dabigatran) is used to treat DVT and PE, as well as in the prevention of thrombosis in adults with an artificial heart. Lek Eliquis (containing apixaban) is used to treat DVT and PE, as well as in the prevention of thrombosis in adults with an artificial heart.

In addition, there are other medications, which can be used as alternative or complementary solutions for patients with DVT and PE, including medicines containing heparin, heparin with thrombin and acetylsalicylic acid inhibitors.

Obecnie Xarelto i jego zamienniki są dostępne wyłącznie na receptę w Polsce. Before starting treatment, the patient must consult a doctor to determine the recommended dose, to make sure, that the medicine is being used correctly. Patients should also tell their doctor about all other medications they take, that they currently use, including herbal medicines, vitamins, supplements and other prescription or over-the-counter medications.

Cyclo 4 God

Cyclo 4 Dios is a dietary supplement, którego składniki wspomagają krążenie żylne. Głównym składnikiem jest ruszczyk kolaczasty, którego działanie wzmacnia napięcie ścian naczyń krwionośnych przez co poprawnia krążenie krwi w żyłach. Pozostały skład: diosmina, hesperydyna oraz witamina C. Zalecane dziennie dawkowanie: 1 kapsułka dziennie.


We use Vitaleg to eliminate the negative consequences of standing work modes. Spędzanie dużej części dnia stojąc, może spowodować uczucie zmęczenia nóg, reddening, a przede wszystkim ból. Vitaleg sprzedawany jest zarówno w tabletkach jak i w formie żelu, choć składy tych produktów są nieco inne.
Poza witaminami vitaleg ma także wyciąg z kasztanowca, lecz najważniejszym składnikiem jest heparyna.


Redblocker (known rather, as red blocker) it helps to solve the problem of applying the dilated blood vessels. They are visible on the skin surface, a few millimeters red veins. Not everyone seems to be attractive and, therefore, appeared on the market formulation title. Redblocker contains a number of ingredients, mainly flavonoids, which strengthen blood vessel walls, it also relaxing the.


Posterisan suppositories, ointment. Without a prescription

This is a measure used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Its main action is to reduce pain around the anus. Relieves pain by reducing the baking, redness and irritation intimate surroundings. Promotes wound healing relieving all kinds of unpleasant feelings associated with it. It also has an antibacterial effect, increasing the resistance of the inflammatory lesions of the disease. Long-term use is permitted and recommended for large bleeding. Reduces bleeding. It was a pattern designed to prevent relapse.