
Femurin is a natural formulation for women, where incontinence is a problem. It has an anabolic effect, means, in this case, the growth stimulating the muscles responsible for maintaining control over urination. Testosterone, increasing the amount of locally femurin, strengthens, so the muscles responsible for incontinence.
Femurin may increase the amount of estrogen, which also helps to get rid of the problem.

There is dietary supplement– and not a drug.

Femurin consists of pumpkin and soy extract. According to the manufacturer, it supports the muscles responsible for maintaining urine- their flexibility and improves and increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors. This, in turn, is to support the sensitivity of the senses responsible for the feeling of urinary system reflexes.
The side effects of taking this supplement, proved to be insignificant in the study.


Litocid is a drug used in diseases with kidney problems. W tkacie leczenia kamicy nerkowej z powodu wapnienia. Są to tabletki o powolnym uwalnianiu zapewniające dłuższe niż zwykle uwalnianie środka.