
Detromax is a dietary supplement, which according to the information provided by the manufacturer, causes an increase in circulation in the smallest blood vessels of our body. However, it helps to eliminate pain and swelling, e.g. in the legs. Tzw ciężkie nogi to efekt problemów z krążeniem w kończynach dolnych Detromax to właśnie suplement, which is supposed to help and reduce leg pain.

Cyclo 4 God

Cyclo 4 Dios is a dietary supplement, którego składniki wspomagają krążenie żylne. Głównym składnikiem jest ruszczyk kolaczasty, którego działanie wzmacnia napięcie ścian naczyń krwionośnych przez co poprawnia krążenie krwi w żyłach. Pozostały skład: diosmina, hesperydyna oraz witamina C. Zalecane dziennie dawkowanie: 1 kapsułka dziennie.


Redblocker (known rather, as red blocker) it helps to solve the problem of applying the dilated blood vessels. They are visible on the skin surface, a few millimeters red veins. Not everyone seems to be attractive and, therefore, appeared on the market formulation title. Redblocker contains a number of ingredients, mainly flavonoids, which strengthen blood vessel walls, it also relaxing the.


MenMag is a drug in the form of tablets. Megman is a dietary supplement that supplements the diet with magnesium. According to the manufacturer, it is a dietary measure aimed primarily at men.

The composition includes standard magnesium and vitamin B6. MenMag is the middle ground, which enriches the diet with magnesium and vitamin B6.


Rostil, has a protective effect on blood vessels. Its component has been used for years in many countries, calcium dobesylate, being an antioxidant. It has a protective effect (protective) against blood vessel, including counteracts their excessive permeability. It is most often prescribed to people with a deteriorated condition of the circulatory system, for example, patients with advanced diabetes, who have problems with diabetic retinopathy (damage to blood vessels in the retina)
According to the manufacturer, Rostil jest naszym narzędziem do leczenia przewlekłej niewydolności krążenia, touching the vessels of the lower extremities, which results in a noticeable swelling, and blue skin on the legs.
Rostil jest lekiem, and not a dietary supplement. Bearing in mind its positive effects, we must also adopt it, that it may cause some side effects for us, and fever among them, digestive system trouble (nausea the most common), but surprisingly also nervousness. It is most likely, however, that we will not experience any of them.
The drug should not be taken by women in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Online pharmacy price.

As of today, one type of packaging is available, which it contains 30 tablets of the drug rostil. It costs in online pharmacies from 9,90 do 13,50 PLN

The price of one tablet is 33 – 40 pennies
The recommended daily therapy is from 2 do 4 tablets, so the daily cost of therapy is from 73 do 1,46 PLN

Traditional pharmacy price

Packaging containing 30 tablets in traditional pharmacies Rostil cost from 10,50 do 13,80 PLN. To check it, we called 3 pharmacy. Two in Warsaw, and to one of Częstochowa.

Price on Allegro

Rostil jest sprzedawany dość drogo na allegro. Prices fluctuate, from 10,49 PLN to 15,90 PLN (As of August 2015 year). However, it should be remembered, that most often the price will ultimately turn out to be higher, because you also need to add the shipping price. The situation is similar also in online pharmacies, unless we order with the option of personal collection.


DIH Vessels

DID (It is God's) is a drug that is sold in several forms:

  • DIH pills
  • DIH Vessels
  • DIH Max
  • DIH Lipożel

Stosowany jest w leczeniu problemów krążenia w dolnych częściach ciała w szczególności nóg. Stosuje się go w wypadku powstawania pajączków oraz innych problemów z rozszerzającymi się naczyniami krwionośnymi. DIH nogi powoduje iż wnikając wgłąb skóry powoduje jej odpowiednie nawodnienie co przyczynia się na zmniejszenie obrzęku naczyń krwionośnym i zmniejszeniu ich widoczności. DIH pomaga zmniejszyć uczucie ciężkich nóg i powoduje lepsze samopoczucie.



Lioton 1000 is a drug that supports the treatment of problems with the circulatory system of the lower parts of the body. Żylaki i problemy z naczyniami krwionośnymi powodują ból kończyn dolnych co powoduje nieprzyjemne odczucia podczas dnia. Szczególnie przydatne dla osób prowadzących stojący tryb życia i lub pracy.

Skutki uboczne leku nie są częste.