
The most common in the current społeczeństknows pain syndrome manifested by very fast and feeling severe pain in the area of ​​central nervous system- head. In addition, there are dizziness, vision problems, and even imbalances and reduce the activity of living persons.

Such symptoms are primarily the result of the increased stress, excessive physical effort. Occasionally you may also experience nausea or other more extreme symptoms. A feature of all these disorders is the rate of formation and maintenance of this state for a few- several hours. This condition is extremely disruptive to a person and therefore immediate and widespread pain uśnieżające measures are commonly used. It is no coincidence, well we all know the names of drugs such as paracetamol, or aspirin.

Many people, especially during the initial stages of the disease, confuse cyclical and recurrent headaches from developing in the migraine. However, this is a bit different ailment requiring specialist medical consultation.

What we fight headache?

  • Pyralgina, or metamizol sodium – is available from us without a prescription, even though Poland is rather the exception in the international arena. Pargyline is compared to other analgesics, available without a prescription very effective, especially recommended to people, which paracetamol does not work.
  • Paracetamol – obviously a very popular drug (without a prescription), but its use in even a little higher than recommended doses can be fatal to the liver. Alcohol with acetaminophen increases the risk of damage yet the body.
  • Aspirin – Queen of painkillers; It operates in 50-60 percent of headache, but its effect can be enhanced by consuming painkillers caffeine, although the road is not suitable for people with high blood pressure. Regular use of low-dose aspirin reduces the chance of premature death from heart disease.
  • Ibuprofen – the effectiveness of a drug like paracetamol, However, there is a very important advantage over the: low probability of serious adverse effects in overdose.
  • Tramal, or tramadol – belonging to the analgesic opioid, very effective, although rarely used. Its action is based not only on the interaction with opioid receptors, but also by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.
  • Kodeina – This drug turns into morphine in the human body, analgesic which is widely known. Codeine is often combined with other substances such as painkillers. paracetamolem. A good idea to use caffeine with codeine use, This may enhance the analgesic effect, but also stand the problem of side-effect, What is lethargy, frequently occurring, when using codeine

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2 Replies to “Headache”

  1. Headache, to jedna z najbardziej powszechnych dolegliwości, jednak nie należy jej lekceważyć, bo może być objawem poważnej choroby. Dlaczego ból głowy tak często nas nęka? Jakie są najczęstsze przyczyny bólu głowy? Czy ból głowy może świadczyć o poważnych chorobach?