
Buspirone is a medicine, który jest stosowany do leczenia zaburzeń lękowych i depresji. Może również być stosowany jako lek uzupełniający w leczeniu związanego z bezdechami sennymi zaburzenia snu. Buspiron, co jest typowe dla inhibitorów zwrotnego wychwytu serotoniny (SSRI), jest często stosowany w leczeniu zaburzeń lękowych i depresji. Buspiron powinien być przyjmowany w dawce 5 miligramów dwa


Lamotrigine is a medicine used to treat depression, zaburzeń afektywnych dwubiegunowych i innych zaburzeń nastroju. Jest syntetycznym lekiem antydepresyjnym w grupie inhibitorów zwrotnego wychwytu zwojowego serotoniny (SSRI). Powinien być stosowany Tylko na zalecenie lekarza. Lamotrygina jest dostępna w postaci tabletki do połknięcia. Tabletki te mają zazwyczaj od 25 do 200 mg of active substance. Dawka leku zaczyna


Escitalopram is an antidepressant and antidepressant drug. Its basic mechanism of action is to improve serotonin levels, neurotransmitter and potassium inhibitors (NE i 5 – HT). Escitalopram is available as oral tablets in doses ranging from 5 do 20 mg daily. Usually recommended, for patients to receive their dose 5 mg for the first two weeks, to reduce the chances of …


Tramadol is available in capsule form, but also in the droplets. It is a strong pain reliever and interesting. It does not work at all, but if you've gone to in most cases, the pain persists. The world tramadol is used not only to combat severe pain. Doctors in other countries, among others prescribe it for restless leg syndrome. Tramadol nie


Fluoxetinu ingredient is fluoxetine. This is probably the most well-known antidepressant drug. I was determined fluoxetine happy pill. In fact, it is a strong SSRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor), often used as a first-line drug, not only in depressive disorders, ale i bulimic, premature ejaculation or even. Wait for the full effects to be at least 2 week. Użytkownicy często skarżą

Max Gripex

Probably most readers are interested in the difference Gripex offered them up for a standard gripexu. Advertising makes one think, Gripex max that we will need when, when it is known, his older brother with symptoms so severe the council can not. The newer drug is not innovation, ie. not entered, no new component, but …


Amitriptylinum is the trade name of Amitriptyline. This drug belongs to a class of tricyclic antidepressants. It is the world's most popular drug among this group. The product has an anti-depressant and anxiolytic, being an inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. The drug has the interesting property that increasing the connections between neurons. Side effects often relate to reduced blood pressure, and dry mouth. Użytkownicy skarżą


Venlectine is one of the venlafaxine-containing drugs available in Poland. The drug prevents serotonin reuptake (as well as a broad group of SSRI antidepressants) and noradrenaline. The drug is more effective than other modern medicines struggling with depression, and therefore is often prescribed by doctors. Many people are taking it, but trying to be discontinued, narażona jest na


Doxepin to lek antydepresyjny, which are characterized by strong property combat neurosis and anxiety. Used is probably just as often with depression, and the neurosis. Sometimes it is used even in the case of social phobia, But what is a controversial issue, as social phobia has been associated with problems in the functioning of the dopamine and GABA or, a Doxepin najprawdopodobniej nie ma


The drug contains a substance venlafaxine Velafax. It belongs to a recently popular, although recently discovered group of antidepressants known as SNRIs (reuptake inhibitors not only serotonin and norepinephrine but). The study shows comparable efficacy to venlafaxine, or more in relation to conventional SSRIs. User observations show that increasing the dose often enhances the antidepressant effect of the drug. they return …