
Nimesil is controversial analgesic suspension. The drug is effective for various types of severe pain such as. with arthritis, painful menstruation, or after excision of the tonsils. The drug can be taken with or without, and from the food, because of the presence of food has no effect on the absorption of [visualizer id=”4786″] Nimesil is unfortunately linked to harmful effects on the liver. …


Aulin is a powerful drug suitable for fighting pain of various origins. It contains the same active ingredient, co, among others, nimesil. Just like him, aulin also has many opponents. Their argument is the potentially bad effect of the drug on the liver in some patients. Lek spowodować może także krótkookresowe problemy z przewodem pokarmowym. Na ten skutek uboczny pacjentom


Minesulin, in one row with nimesil and aulin, it is an analgesic drug containing nimesulide. The drug can be purchased by prescription in the form of tablets, be as a powder. Minesulin is prescribed for short-term pain. The rationality of using it for swollen joint pain is a controversial topic. Critical opinions about the drug dominate in the media, jednak warto zwrócić także uwagę na jego pozytywne