
Milocardin is an interesting formulation. On the one hand, it is praised for its effectiveness by users, who use it to fight, rather, various types of neuroses mitigation (including cardiac neurosis), and the other part contains the components, which are discouraged for use by the medical community. These components are phenobarbital and Bromural ( Aethylium bromisovalerylicum). The drug is well beyond these two natural ingredients. Milocardinu dosage administered in an amount of droplets, and as such at the beginning of treatment is typically around 5 drops several times a day, However, the dosage is usually increased to a few drops of. When using this medication really should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Nervomix forte

Nervomix forte is a natural medicine based on the popular Nervomix. According to the manufacturer, the new recipe allows you to achieve better results and feel better after using it. Nervomix is ​​a natural drug and, according to available data, does not cause stupor. Helps with sleep problems and calms down naturally. It is a herbal substance.


Meliski candy in the form of a tablet lozenges. Packaged in a pack 18 pieces.

It is a food supplement, that can be used daily. It is used to reduce the stress of everyday life.

Substances, which contains the cause sedation, silencing and natural reduction in the level of the nerve affecting the nervous system. Meliski contain magnesium, lemon balm or soothing substances. Recommended for everyday use in the form of a preparation for use at any time of the day.



Lorafen is a medicine that combines all the features of benzodiazepines. It works both anticonvulsant, soporific, How and calming. It is a short-acting drug, which in his case means about 5-10 hours effective operation. This is the positive side, because it is longer acting benzodiazepines, surprise, more dangerous than those working less.
Lorafen is very effective, but its dangerous side effect is occurring in the time dependence. It is not easy taking Remeron alone, and often requires medical attention, and even hospital. Problems with drug addiction often have a person, lora fen which take because of its sedative effect.
Overdose lora Fenu is dangerous and, unfortunately, you may end up coma or even worse result. Most, however, overdose lora Fenu ending badly about people who kept outside lora fenem also consumed alcohol.



Relsed a rectal solution, which is the active ingredient diazepam. It is used for epilepsy, panic and anxiety.


Kalms is a herbal medicinal product used in states of high exposure to stress and translating into emotional arousal. It is used to calm and relaxation. It is a drug for everyday use, although it should be taken with caution and be aware of the effects of taking it. It is also a drug aimed at reducing the effects of stress on sleep and it is used in ailments of insomnia.

There were no side effects.

Contraindications are only allergies to the ingredients of the drug




Relanium an important drug anxiolytic and sedative. Component is valium diazepam. It affects the GABA. Relanium takes usually several times a day. A single dose is 2-10mg of. Unfortunately, the use of diazepam may cause the development of drug addiction. Abrupt discontinuation of drug treatment will result in the development of withdrawal syndrome. Despite this threat Relanium is an often used. Outside the medical use of the drug sometimes used recreationally sometimes.