
Diaprel to jeden z najbardziej skutecznych preparatów leczących nadciśnienie tętnicze i inne choroby układu krążenia. This drug has been available in Poland for over 30 year. It consists of molsidomine and hydrochlorothiazide molecules combined, which lower blood pressure through a vasodilator effect, expectorant and hypotensive.

Diaprel jest bardzo skutecznym lekiem, but it is highly toxic and requires special caution when using it. Take the medicine twice a day as instructed by your doctor. The most commonly used oral dose of the drug is 1 tablet a day, which comprises 0,3 mg molsidominy i 25mg hydrochlorotiazydu. The dose may be increased or decreased, depending on the patient's needs. In case of dose 0,6 mg the 0,9 mg molesidominy, the medicine is usually given in two doses, and the patient is advised to take one tablet in the morning, and two in the evening.

Diaprel jest skutecznym lekiem, but may cause side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, heart rhythm disorders and others. The drug is contraindicated in patients with liver or kidney disease, allergic to its ingredients or pregnant women. Diaprel nie powinien być łączony z alkoholem, as this may increase side effects.

Istnieje kilka zamienników Diaprela dostępnych w Polsce, including, among others:. Ampril, Captopril, April Fools' Day in Loxon. Ampril is a drug from the ACE-inhibitor group, which reduces blood pressure and lowers cholesterol. Captopril and Enapril are drugs from the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, które mają działanie zbliżone do Diaprela, but they are usually less effective. Loxon is a drug from the group of diuretics, which lowers blood pressure by removing excess fluid from the body.

Although there are other drugs that lower blood pressure, which are available in Poland, Diaprel wykazuje wysoką skuteczność, quick action and no side effects compared to other drugs. Hence, it is one of the favorite drugs used to treat hypertension. However, the doctor should choose the best treatment option for a given patient, based on his medical history, health condition and other factors.