
Afrin is an international brand known for years oxymetazoline. It is a nasal spray, which effectively unlocks a stuffy nose. However, this is only the struggle with the symptoms of the disease. The use of Afrinu can have negative effects, if you use it regularly for more than 3-4 days. Then there is the risk of drug-induced rhinitis, and this is a big problem, for a person, which still has problems with recurrent blocked nose.


Sumamed is an antibiotic so-called second-line. If amoxicillin is ineffective or is not allergic to azithromycin used (sumamed). It is most commonly used as, that are 3 tablets administered for three consecutive days once a day, the cumulative effect. Leak, although the later is not taken, operates by successive 3 days. Is effective for infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Unfortunately, very often there is a side effect in the form of abdominal pain and vomiting.