
Rotarix is ​​a medicine that is a vaccine for children. Dzieci nie mogą być młodsze niż 6 week. Szczepionka sprzedawana jest w postaci szczepionki doustnej (dawka syropu, zawiesiny do połknięcia). Szczepionka Rotarix uodparnia na zapalenie jelit i żołądka spowodowane bakteriami dzieci.

Sposób działania jest taki jak w każdej szczepionce czyli do ciała podawane są kultury bakterii osłabione w procesie produkcji. Organizm rozpoznając substancje (wirusy) traktuje je jako obce i wytwarza przeciwciała. Remember, że przeciwciała są wytwarzane na te same bakterie lecz o specjalnie zmniejszonej sile.


Vibovit Junior is a dietary supplement known for several decades. In the form of dissolving sachets, it is an ideal supplement to the child's diet with vitamins. Tasty, multi-flavored and simply effective for many years. It has a whole complex of vitamins and minerals.

It is also available in the form of lozenges.


  • calcium pantothenate
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol)
  • vitamin PP (niacin)
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
  • vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxyna)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • vitamin D3 (cholekalcyferol)
  • Vitamin A



Medicinal product for people, that treat osteoporosis, or rickets and bone osteomalacia for adults and children. Vitamin D contained in this product replenishes deficiencies in the body, thus preventing diseases related to the lack of this vitamin. The drug is available in pharmacies in two doses: 1000 j.m. and 500 j.m. A smaller dose of the drug is ideal even for newborns.


Expectorant cough syrup, available over the counter. It can be given to children from 4 years of age and adults according to the doses indicated in the leaflet. It is a natural syrup based on thyme herb, primrose root and thymol.


Pedicetamol is a form of paracetamol drops created for infants and children. It is an alternative to administering the drug in the form of suppositories. Paracetamol given orally has, according to the manufacturer, better absorption, than given in suppositories
Pedicetamol zawiera ten sam składnik, like many other drugs aimed at adults ? paracetamol. As in adults, you should absolutely not exceed the recommended dose of the drug, and this depends on the weight of the child.
The fever itself in a child is a typical phenomenon, it just needs to be treated, when it lasts a long time, and when it exceeds significantly 38 degrees.


Pulneo is a drug with proven effectiveness. Stosujemy go przy zapaleniu płuc i oskrzeli. Działanie leku jest kilkupłaszczyznowe. Pulneo zmniejsza obrzęk błony śluzowej układu oddechowego, a także rozkurcza oskrzela. Ma także działanie przeciwzapalne.
Lek stosowany jest przede wszystkim u dzieci (lecz powyżej drugiego roku życia). Podczas używania pulneo, nie należy pić alkoholu.


Apetizer to suplement diety. It is used in children, affected by the problem of lack of appetite.

Występuje również w formie Apetizer senior stworzony dla osób dorosłych, who also suffer from a lack of appetite.

They increase appetite while increasing the amount of vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of vitamins, which help to rebuild immunity after suffering from diseases and other health problems.


Aflofarm has a preparation for children to fight the temptation to eat sweets. These are tablets called limitki. The ad is aimed at mothers, wanting their children to stop constantly snacking between meals. The purpose of the preparation is of course right, because our children are used to sweet snacks, can lead to this, that in the future (not even very far away) will be obese, which of course can negatively affect their physical health. Developing healthy eating habits, it is one of our parental responsibilities.
Limits, they remind me very much of another manufacturer's preparation, aimed at adults apetiblock.
What do limit tablets contain??
Limitki maja w składzie naturalne składniki: gymnea leaf extract, which has an interesting feature ? can reduce the perception of sweet taste, our child will be less interested in sweet snacks, if they're not so sweet to him anymore, as ever! In addition to gymne, limitka has a wild rose in the composition, and fig opuntia.


Fenspogal is an antitussive syrup. The composition has a relaxing effect on the upper respiratory tract and helps reduce irritation caused by coughing. Can be used for children and adults. Fenspogal skuteczny w stosowaniu regularnym.


Vitapiraci is a line of lollipops, enriched with vitamins.
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