
Neosine contains inosine ( in fact it is a determined mixture, jako pranobeks inozyny). The drug is used, as an antivirus and is advertised as such on TV. The truth is, that it does not fight viruses, but it stimulates the immune system to fight them.
A side effect of using inosine is a greater possibility of kidney stones. This is an effect noted by scientists studying the potential impact of inosine on slowing down the development of MS disease (multiple sclerosis). Other side effects may also occur: headaches, abdominal pains, rashes and liver, increasing the amount of enzymes.

Inosine is also often found in products for athletes, usually as an additive is a mixture of amino acids.


Groprinosin is a drug used as an adjuvant in the treatment of viral diseases. It is a drug that increases immunity, especially in the case of complications or long-term treatment.

Remember to inform when prescribing this drug, that there are no problems with the urinary compress and the immune system. It is not a dietary supplement and it is not a protective drug


Orofar because its composition is an interesting formulation for oral pain problems. Probably the most commonly used is the sore throat, due to the presence of lidocaine (popular treatments before local anesthetic agent), but we can also use it with aftach and mouth ulcers. In addition to being a potent analgesic, Like many other similar preparations are also antibacterial.
Orofar is in the form of tablets for sucking, and as an aerosol. Rather, the drug should be avoided during pregnancy.


The drug is composed of Zeffix lemiwudynę. This measure is used both for the treatment of HIV infection, and the hepatitis B. The daily dose is 100, do 200 mg for the treatment of hepatitis, or 300 mg in the case of HIV infection. Zeffix can cause some side effects. Employing may experience excessive fatigue, various shades of pain, primarily in the head and abdomen. Sometimes there may also be problems with the digestive system in the form of vomiting, or diarrhea.