
[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: mother

Gel with local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, intended for the symptomatic treatment of muscle pain, back pain, pain associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as mild forms of arthritis, sprains, sports injuries and neuralgia. [/DrWidg_Content]


Pedicetamol is a form of paracetamol drops created for infants and children. It is an alternative to administering the drug in the form of suppositories. Paracetamol given orally has, according to the manufacturer, better absorption, than given in suppositories
Pedicetamol zawiera ten sam składnik, like many other drugs aimed at adults ? paracetamol. As in adults, you should absolutely not exceed the recommended dose of the drug, and this depends on the weight of the child.
The fever itself in a child is a typical phenomenon, it just needs to be treated, when it lasts a long time, and when it exceeds significantly 38 degrees.

IBUM for children

[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: IBUM for children

Febrile states of various origins, including influenza, colds or other infectious diseases, a także w przebiegu odczynu poszczepiennego. Pain of various origins of mild to moderate intensity, such as: headaches, gardła i mięśni (np. in the course of viral infections), toothache, bóle po zabiegach stomatologicznych, pain due to teething, bóle stawów i kości, due to musculoskeletal injuries (np. sprains), pain due to soft tissue injuries, postoperative pain, ear pain occurring in the middle ear inflammation. [/DrWidg_Content]