

Ircolon to, like debribacy (his replacement) it is a drug used in irritable bowel syndrome (known more broadly as IBS). The drug regulates the work of the intestines, thanks to which it eliminates the symptoms of diarrhea to a large extent, and constipation.
The studies conducted so far indicate that the drug is safe to use. Leak, surprisingly, it may cause constipation even more in a small percentage of people who use it. However, this side effect does not apply to more than 1% patient population. Symptoms of drug allergy are also sporadic. Symptoms of dry mouth have also been reported after taking ircolon.

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[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: Verdin® Complexx, Verdin® Complexx Krople Trawienne, Verdin® Enzymixx, Verdin® Fix

Kompleksowa pomoc dla układu trawiennego, jelit i wątroby. [/DrWidg_Content]


[DrWidg_Content] Available in pharmacies under the name: Kreon® 25 000, Kreon® Travix, Kreon® Travix – (IR)

Treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in children, adolescents and adults, the occurrence of which is related to the diseases listed below or to other entities: cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis), chronic pancreatitis, condition after removal of the pancreas (pancreatectomy), condition after gastric removal (gastrectomy), pancreatic cancer, condition after gastrointestinal anastomosis (np. gastroenterostomia typu Billroth II), narrowing of the pancreatic or common bile duct (np. because of the tumor), Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, condition following an attack of acute pancreatitis and initiation of enteral or oral nutrition. [/DrWidg_Content]


Proliver is a dietary supplement for the liver. It supports the digestive process. Zmniejsza tym samym problemy z odczuwaniem nieprzyjemnych doznań po spożyciu posiłków. Zabezpiecza przed bólem żołądka, zgagą itp. Kampania reklamowa sugeruje kojące działanie specyfiku w celu dbania o stan wątroby. Dodatkowo sugeruje się działanie które wspomaga dbałość o odpowiedni stan cholesterolu w organizmie.

Suplement diety nie jest lekiem, jest dostępny bez recepty.