
New product on the market, which is intended to help men maintain erections. The package contains: 2 tablets, that need to be figured out and thrown- this form of administration can be very practical.

The active substance of Inventum is sildenafil citrate, a 1 the tablet contains 25mg of sildenafil.

Inventum is advertised as a therapeutic agent, but sexual stimulation and a state of arousal are necessary, for sildenafil to bring the expected results.

It is recommended to use an initial dose of 50 mg/24h. You should take the medicine at least for 60 minutes before sexual activity.


MAXIGRA called Polish viagra. In fact, it contains exactly the same ingredient, co viagra, or Sildenafil. There is, So a generic medicine, which are usually much cheaper than original drugs. MAXIGRA is a drug used to fight impotence, but it should not be continued by a, concerned with the serious problems of the cardiovascular system.

More about the active ingredient Sildenafil Maxigry


Viagra is associated with the blue pill for male troubles bed. It is true, however, the problem is blue that heals is not so trivial. This is a treatment for impotence in men suffering from a lack of erection.

More about the active ingredient Sildenafil Viagra


Erekton is another dietary supplement on the market, which, through its composition, is supposed to influence a man's libido. It is used by men to increase sex drive. In addition, it extends the erection time and increases the sensation. However, it should be remembered, that it is not the equivalent of Viagra, because it is classified as a dietary supplement. It should be taken regularly at least 2 times a day 1 capsule or 40 minutes before the start of the act.


Braveran is a dietary aid (officially dietary supplement) supporting the erection of the action. The substances contained in Braveran support the erection in a natural way. It is not a drug, which treats impotence problems but supports the same physical process of helping muscles. The substances contained in it are L-arginine, Maca root, Natural Buzdyganek, Zinc, Selen, Vitamin E. Its content differs from the popular measures such as Viagra or Vialafil and MAXIGRA.

The drug in the form of ingestible tablets.

Please remember, że Braveran to suplement diety, not a drug and it is distinguished in this respect from competitors of. Dzięki temu Braveran dostępny jest bez recepty

Dosage is Braveranu 4 tablet about an hour before sex.



Maxon producenta Adamed to kolejny z bogatej kolekcji suplementów stosowanych przy problemach z erekcją. Zgodnie z informacjami od producenta pomaga w zapobieganiu impotencji i wszelkiej maści problemów męskiej erekcji. Nie wiadomo jednak o jakichkolwiek badaniach na ten temat i skuteczności substancji zawartych w każdej dawce Maxon.