
Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine drug. Like other drugs of this group also is Clonazepam rapid and very effective anticonvulsant, and, anxiolytic.

Clonazepam is prescribed for:

  • Epilepsy
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Panic Attacks

The efficacy of the drug in these disorders has been scientifically. Another, though less popular use is to give the drug to patients treated with SSRI drugs, to reduce the severity of side effects, that SSRIs cause.

The side effects of clonazepam:

  • Somnolence
  • Decline in mental capabilities
  • Decrease in motivation
  • Loss of libido
  • The deterioration of coordination
  • The deterioration of short-term memory
  • Depression

One person in three treated with benzodiazepines for longer than 4 week dependent on the drug and the dose reduction, or stop taking the drug experienced unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous effects. These effects are called benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. Users also benzodiazepine clonazepam which are exposed to the danger of drug addiction. This is the reason, for which the drug is not used, as a first line drug, whether the treatment of epilepsy, or anxiety disorders. Higher doses also increase the chance of dependence.

In Poland Clonazepam is marketed under the trade name Clonazepamum.