
Paxtin to lek, whose active substance is an antidepressant paroxetine. In Poland we have outside Paxtinem some other medicines containing the same active ingredient. Center, be referred to a subset of the SSRI, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Against the background of this group stands out, however, the risk of certain side effects. People using Paxtin often complain, for example, weight gain. Also, the emergence of suicidal thoughts among adults treated with it is not uncommon (This situation occurs most often in the first weeks of treatment, However, passes, when the drug begins to manifest its healing properties). Paxtin, even though it is called antidepressant drug is also useful for other diseases, such as: obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety, whether PTSD (PTSD).


The drug contains sertraline Asentra. This is the substance of SSRIs. From other drugs of this group differs Sertraline lifting at higher doses also dopamine. Above all, however, affect the serotonin. In addition, it is important antidepressant action potent anxiolytic drug. While also used in the treatment of social phobia, is in this case a very efficient. The drug does not cause weight gain, users are often treated as an advantage.


The drug contains sertraline Setaloft. This is the substance of SSRIs. From other drugs of this group differs Sertraline lifting at higher doses also dopamine. Above all, however, affect the serotonin. In addition, it is important antidepressant action potent anxiolytic drug. While also used in the treatment of social phobia, is in this case a very efficient. The drug does not cause weight gain, users are often treated as an advantage.


Seronil (Sertraline) is a psychotropic drug used to treat mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders and psychoses. It is a member of a class of drugs called serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). The medicine is taken orally in the form of tablets.


Lek Seronil powinien być przyjmowany zgodnie z zaleceniami lekarza. The standard daily dose for adults is 50 mg daily. Your doctor may change the dose depending on your response and the type of disorder. He or she may advise you to take your dose in two doses throughout the day. The dose should not exceed 200 mg daily.

Potential replacements

Preparat Seronil jest dostępny w Polsce w postaci tabletek. There are also other drugs from the same group, które mogą być stosowane jako zamienniki Seronilu.

Fluvoxamine is available in tablet form and is therefore an SSRI. Fluvoxamine is used to treat depression and anxiety disorders in adults. It can be taken in doses ranging from 100-200 mg daily.

Citalopram is a derivative of a tricyclic antidepressant and an SSRI. It is available in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. The standard dose is 10-20 mg daily.

Paroxetine is a derivative of a tricyclic antidepressant, which is used to treat depression and anxiety disorders. The recommended dose is from 20 do 60 mg daily.

Fluoxetine is an SSRI used to treat depression and anxiety disorders. It can be used in doses ranging from 10 do 60 mg daily. The medicine is available in tablet form.

Dapoxetine is an SSRI used to treat anxiety disorders, such as social phobias and generalized anxiety states. It can be used in doses ranging from 5 do 60 mg daily. The medicine is available in the form of capsules.

In case of, gdy z jakichś powodów nie można przyjmować preparatu Seronil, the above substitutes may be good alternatives. However, your doctor should decide whether to change your medication, taking into account the individual condition of the patient.


The drug contains a substance Citalopram Citabax. It belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and shares many features in common with other members of the group. Citalopram is used for the treatment of depression, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To the side effects of the drug include fatigue, dry mouth, and drowsiness. It is particularly activating drug user, So if the problem is motivation, and the level of life energy, Citalopram may not be the best choice.


Bioxetin is one of the antidepressants in Poland. It contains the same active, Prozac at all familiar. We are talking about fluoxetine. This substance had grown into a pop culture as a happy pill. Possible, State that you ever heard the name of SSRIs. Fluoxetine, yet its representatives are bioxetin. The drug increases serotonin levels in the brain areas międzysynaptycznych. Low levels of serotonin, for many years, was linked with the occurrence of depression. Bioxetin needs 2, sometimes 3, or 4 weeks to fully achieve their therapeutic effect. It is not clear, why the effect of the drug appears delayed, however,, without a doubt this is the. Sometimes the patient feels extremely well in the early days of bioxetinu, but almost always his condition soon deteriorates. About bioxetinie should write not only, because, that is often used in the first line of the depressive disorders. It is often used as a drug with a different type of symptoms. Sometimes used for neurosis, including social phobia. It is not perhaps the ideal neurosis, but it certainly has fewer side effects than benzodiazepine class of drugs. Doctors also prescribe it to patients uskarżającym interfering with nutrition and the group of men with premature ejaculation problems.


Stimuloton is one of the antidepressants, which includes in its composition sertraline. We may be classified as SSRIs. But we can do so only if, if we assume, Stimuloton that is used at doses of less than 150 mg per day, because the drug doses is also an inhibitor of the reuptake of dopamine. Probably due to the action on the dopamine system stimuloton, maybe, and is often used for patients suffering from social phobia. This disease is attributed to a deficiency of dopamine. The primary use of the drug, however, is the treatment of depressive disorders, including dysthymia. The side effects of the drug are typical for other SSRIs. We experience, so sick, problems reaching orgasm, trouble falling asleep. Even less pleasant effects can occur at weaning stimulotonu. This can be a headache, nervousness, frequent changes of mood, excessive crying. These symptoms occur in up to 60% odstawiających of drug.


The drug contains a substance Citalopram Cipramil. It belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and shares many features in common with other members of the group. Citalopram is used for the treatment of depression, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To the side effects of the drug include fatigue, dry mouth, and drowsiness. It is particularly activating drug user, So if the problem is motivation, and the level of life energy, Citalopram may not be the best choice.



The drug contains sertraline Zoloft. This is the substance of SSRIs. From other drugs of this group differs Sertraline lifting at higher doses also dopamine. Above all, however, affect the serotonin. In addition, it is important antidepressant action potent anxiolytic drug. While also used in the treatment of social phobia, is in this case a very efficient. The drug does not cause weight gain, users are often treated as an advantage.