
Biotropil is an, which is used to stimulate cells and receptors in the brain. It is used in the therapy that stimulates and supports the cognitive stages of the world in children and adults.

It is given to:

  • activation development for mobile calls
  • treatment of myoclonus of cortical origin
  • cognitive stimulation in periods of dementia,
  • improve the learning processes
  • increase the concentration


Biotropil u dzieci stosowany jest w terapii stymulującej i wspomagającej etapy poznawcze świata u dzieci.

It is used in therapies:

  • speech therapy for the treatment of dissection
  • speech therapy for the treatment of dysgraphia
  • speech therapy for the treatment of dysorthography
  • increase the concentration


Meliski candy in the form of a tablet lozenges. Packaged in a pack 18 pieces.

It is a food supplement, that can be used daily. It is used to reduce the stress of everyday life.

Substances, which contains the cause sedation, silencing and natural reduction in the level of the nerve affecting the nervous system. Meliski contain magnesium, lemon balm or soothing substances. Recommended for everyday use in the form of a preparation for use at any time of the day.



Kalms is a herbal medicinal product used in states of high exposure to stress and translating into emotional arousal. It is used to calm and relaxation. It is a drug for everyday use, although it should be taken with caution and be aware of the effects of taking it. It is also a drug aimed at reducing the effects of stress on sleep and it is used in ailments of insomnia.

There were no side effects.

Contraindications are only allergies to the ingredients of the drug



The Forstres dietary supplement is a combination of plant preparations – lemon balm and ashwagandha to support the body during periods of increased anxiety. Forstres is also a source of magnesium and vitamin B6.


NervoCalm to suplement diety, which, through its natural ingredients, is a mood-influencing substance. It causes calming and gentle calming. Calms in the best sense of the word.

It consists primarily of Melissa extract and magnesium. It also has vitamin B6, B1 copper. It is a preparation with a natural composition, which in no way can be considered as reacting unfavorably to well-being and good mood.


Chela-mag B6

Olimp Chela-mag B6 is another product in the series of a popular manufacturer of dietary supplements – by Olimp. The specific is nothing more than a preparation with a large amount of magnesium… There is nothing more to add here.

Magnesium, due to its natural actions, has the characteristics of substances supporting mental and neurological processes. It also helps regulate the circulatory system- heart.


Valerin, also the Valerin Max variety, is a drug that has been known for a long time. He knew the consequences of the use of tranquillizers and apply our Grandmothers. Herbal pills to calm

A drug used to calm, also for the treatment of sleep disorders- insomnia. It should not be used before traveling in by the driver. The drug to reduce the adverse effects of stress.

Medicine in the form of tablets to be swallowed. A popular remedy with a natural composition.


Nervomix a natural medicine, which helps in stressful situations and reduces hyperactivity. Helps you fall asleep naturally acting on the nervous system. Nervomix herb soothes and calms. Do not haze. It is natural, contains herbs such as St. John's Wort and Lemon Balm.

Medicinal tablets are hard to be sucked.

In order to reassure and improve the quality of sleep is proposed to take a dose of not less that one hour before bedtime.




The Positivum dietary supplement are calming tablets, which provide support for the body in case of stress and nervous tension. It supports peaceful sleep and allows you to regain peace and relaxation. W skład leku Positivum wchodzą jedynie naturalne wyciągi roślinne z melisy, hop and saffron cones.