Motion sickness

The team felt uncomfortable in the states that occur during and after a long journey, in the middle of the land transport, sea ​​or air. Caused by conflict (for the brain) simultaneously occurring stimuli such as sight, shaking or rocking sensation combined with the monotonous sound (such as engine). Feelings:

  • fatigue,
  • weakening of the body
  • somnolence
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • problems with balance
  • confusion

This disease is most common in people who are sensitive to the rocking (on board) or shock (in cars and buses). Very often occur in children, causing a very unpleasant doznanaia and reluctance to travel. Treatment consists of relieving effects as it causes can not be eliminated. The most commonly used drugs include:

  • aviomarin
  • avioplant
  • gentle sedative drugs